This oval shaped atoll some 185 miles to the northwest of Tahiti, about 7 miles north of Rangiroa, has a large pass and a series of islets, the largest of which at the south west of the atoll, half a mile wide, is inhabited.The charming village of Tuherahera, swathed in flowers, is situated on the south end of this large motu which also has two other villages : Tuheiava, a fishing area with many "fish parks" that supply the markets of Tahiti, and Maiaia on the other large motu on the northeast that is a traditional copra producer. This atoll offers the wonderful opportunity to discover the traditional Tuamotu way of life.The beauty and abundance of its fauna account for the popularity of scuba diving especially in the Tuheiava pass, where the manta rays' dance alternates with the parade of barracudas, tunas, multicolored coral fish, and the ubiquitous reef sharks.One of the most beautiful atolls in Polynesia also is home to many bird colonies that have sought refuge in the small islands scattered in the lagoon.
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