Once again I got lost behind the group pretty quickly, and after a couple of hours I was in a lot of pain in my knees and hips. Into the bargain, my patience with Juma and his radio was wearing seriously thin. Juma had taken to walking about 4 inches behind me with his radio blaring, occasionally treading on the heels of my boots and grabbing at my rucksack every time he thought I was about to fall over (which I hadn't ever showing any sign of doing in all the time I'd spent walking with him!) About halfway down, Juma met a porter friend of his and the two of them spent the remainder of what should have been a wonderful, relaxing walk down the mountain through beautiful rainforest terrain shouting loudly at each other in Swahili. As we finally neared the bottom I saw Rob walking back up the mountain to find me! A welcome sight. But no matter what had gone wrong for me on this trip, I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
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