The afternoon

Rob took me up to the rest point to drink, eat some food (what little I could manage as I was still feeling queasy) and he and Alex assured me that I wasn't alone in feeling like this. The altitude was starting to affect people and some had given up already and gone back down. I was still here though. This afternoon was apparently descent, so we had come as high as we would go today. I rested a while before we walked on, descending as we passed the lava tower, which was unfortunately covered mostly by clouds. Juma was angry that Laura hadn't waited for us as she had promised, but none of the rest of us were surprised by this as she hates nothing more than standing still! I enjoyed the walk this afternoon, and I was so pleased to be walking with Rob and Alex again that I even forgot to be irritated by Juma as he held onto the loop on the top of my back pack to stop me falling. I joked to Rob that I was like a baby on reigns! We arrived into Barranco camp at about 2pm...Laura was already there and the tents were pitched. As soon as we arrived at the campsite I was hit with a crippling headache and couldn't stand up anymore. Rob inflated my thermarest and helped me into my sleeping bag, then he lay stroking my hair and telling me I'd be fine until I fell asleep and allowed my body the chance to acclimatise to the weird changes in altitude it had experienced that day.

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